Back to School 101: What Roofing Protects My Children?

Backpacks are ready and children of all ages are soon headed back to school.

We expect our teachers to be geared up, classrooms to be prepared and school facilities to be equipped for the onslaught of returning students.

At many schools, colleges and universities across the country, the buildings where students will spend their days studying are protected by impact- and fire-resistant composite roofing from DaVinci Roofscapes.

Get ready to be impressed. Here are just some of the outstanding educational facilities now boasting DaVinci imitation slate and synthetic shake roofing on their buildings:

  • Polymer RoofingWashburn University
  • Valparaiso University
  • University of Georgia
  • University of Nebraska
  • Florida State University
  • Rivers Education Center
  • Mohawk Avenue School
  • State University of New York (SUNY)
  • Sara Bea Learning Center at Notre Dame
  • Willard Elementary School
  • St. Joseph University
  • Trinity Pawling School
  • Princeton University
  • Colorado State University
  • Southeast Missouri State University
  • Mount St. Mary’s
  • College of New Jersey


Why are so many educational buildings relying on our polymer roofing? Durability and beauty are two key features that smart school administrators like about DaVinci Roofscapes. Plus security. Our products have a 50-year limited warranty on commercial structures and are resistant to everything from high winds to severe weather and impact.

Before you send your children back to school this year … ask the question of “what roofing is protecting my children?

Read more about our eco-friendly roof shingles on schools at  DaVinci Roofscapes Get A+ in the ClassroomBack to School with Polymer Roof and Forget “Back to School” — it’s “Back to Roof” Time.