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DaVinci Dominates Vegas

ire_show_floor_dmc_newsFebruary kept the building products industry — and everyone at DaVinci Roofscapes — on constant round trips to Las Vegas. Beginning with the International Roofing Expo (IRE) early in the month, where thousands of roofing contractors gathered just days before the Super Bowl, and ending with tens of thousands of building industry pros getting together at the end of the month for the International Builders’ Show (IBS), Las Vegas was THE place to be in February.

To launch show season, DaVinci focused the spotlight on our 2023 DaVinci Masterpiece Contractor Project of the Year Winners at IRE. Having the teams from Umbrella Roofing and FL Specialty Roofing visit the booth gave us a chance for face-to-face congratulations on their award-winning projects.

And, while our sales team showcased DaVinci products to roofers, everyone was a winner with their DaVinci fan chains. The pre-Super Bowl bling was a big hit, expanding DaVinci’s brand awareness throughout the show floor!

Two weeks later, after our Kansas City Chiefs proved Vegas was indeed our lucky city, we were back again for an even bigger show, with a bigger booth!

DaVinci’s displays were included along with stone, siding, trim, window and other roofing solutions products in the Westlake Royal Building Products booth. New product innovations were launched, top industry trends shared and the new Be Boundless campaign was kicked off.

ibs_trend_wallNew Ways to Visualize Trends

The centerpiece of the Westlake Royal Building Products booth was a massive Trends Wall, depicting three overarching industry trends that Westlake Royal is anticipated to dominate over in 2024. Design versatility, high performance products and materials, and innovative industry solutions are identified as those top three trends.

In a totally new and unique element to IBS, on opening day there were four hours of live Roofers Coffee Shop coverage from the Westlake Royal Building Products|Roofing Solutions section of the booth. The first interview includes a tour of the complete Westlake booth and introduces the new Trend Wall.

Additional YouTube videos include:

Three days of non-stop booth visits, media interviews and customer meetings left everyone feeling lucky in Vegas. Moving deeper into 2024, this show sets the stage for all of us to Be Boundless— to think, work, design and grow in bigger and bolder ways this year!

Show Us Your Showroom

Apex Home Solutions Showroom
It’s a source of pride. It’s where you do business. It’s one of your most valuable selling tools.

Your showroom doesn’t just make an impression on your customers. It sets the stage for upgrading their thinking (and your sales) to all the possibilities that exist for a tremendous roof.

DaVinci’s composite roofing is high on the list of what you can display in your showroom. Now we’d like to see how our DMC members are spotlighting DaVinci products.

DaVinci neon sign -- perfect for any showroom!The attractive walls in the photo above are set up in the showroom at Apex Home Solutions to depict some of the most popular colors of DaVinci slate and shake in the Oregon marketplace.  We’d like you to share pictures of your showroom with us. We plan to post them on Ask a Roofer, profile them in a blog on our website and in Roofers Coffee Shop, and share them on our social media sites. And, best of all, we’ll enter them all in a drawing for a dazzling neon DaVinci Roofscapes sign that will be a great addition to the winning DMC showroom!

Email us your JPG/JPEG showroom images that showcase your DaVinci display by April 29, 2024, to smmcall@davinciroofscapes.com.

Getting FRESH with Brick and Stone

FRESH Color for Homes with Brick or Stone
Even an e-book needs refreshing. So, we asked our color expert, Kate Smith, to update her popular e-book, “FRESH Colors for Homes with Brick or Stone.”

Kate outdid herself. She’s provided her expert insights to homeowners with stone or brick exteriors on how to create cohesive curb appeal for their properties. The online guide explores 60 unique color palette combinations. The free 21-page step-by-step guide is a tool you can offer to any customer who is trying to determine the ideal exterior color combination for their home.

“Selecting cohesive colors for a home exterior is especially important when brick or stone are involved,” says Kate Smith, chief color maven at Sensational Color. “There are different color casts for these fixed features on a home. You’re looking for tones that will harmonize with those color casts. And, importantly, you need to take a ‘top down’ approach.

“Start with the roof and then gaze downwards at the entire home. Colors starting at the top of the house all the way down to the siding, trim, doorway and foundation all combine to create a home’s curb appeal.”

FRESH Approach

Kate Smith Headshot

Author & color expert Kate Smith

As in the other e-books Smith has created for DaVinci, she encourages homeowners to take the FRESH approach when creating an eye-pleasing palette for a home exterior. Smith recommends homeowners evaluate the Fixed Features, Regional Colors, Environment & Surroundings, Style of the Home and the Historic or HOA Colors involved in the property.

“When you use FRESH thinking to choose the right color for the home’s elements, you create a unified top-to-bottom look that exudes curb appeal,” says Smith.

For the updated e-book, which Smith originally created in 2013, the color specialist coordinates different colors of composite shake and slate roofing from DaVinci. She matches them with fixed features such as Cultured Stone, Eldorado Stone, and Versetta Stone. Then Smith offers complementary paint recommendations for trim and accents around the exterior.

Color Support

In addition to authoring the online e-books, Smith provides free color support to homeowners exploring new or replacement roofs. She answers color questions and offers advice to help guide consumers through the process of choosing a color blend to complement their home.

“Oftentimes people have a good ‘gut feeling’ about the colors they want for their home, but they just need reassurance that their idea will work well,” says Smith. “Others seek ideas to unify their colors. I can help provide suggestions, tools and guidance specific to each person, enabling them to feel confident with their decisions.” Explore color with Kate

Roofers Spotlight

Todd Knight, Dynasty Roofing Todd Knight. Jonathan Shaw. Shawn Wittenburg. These DMC members are all sharing the spotlight in the new Roofer Profiles section on RoofersCoffeeShop.com.

Along with enhancing their company’s visibility, these roofers are also “giving back” to the industry through their profiles. They’re sharing insights on working with composite roofing, offering business-building tips and reporting on their favorite DaVinci projects.

“Any opportunity to get our company profiled in a positive way helps increase our brand awareness,” says Jonathan Shaw with SPC Construction & Roofing. “Frankly, we view working with manufacturer partners like DaVinci as ‘picking low-hanging fruit.’

“They’ve created project profiles and social media postings on our projects several times in the past few years. When companies have smart marketing people that want to do the public relations work for us in a professional way that reflects positively on our company, we’re all in!”

Want to shine a spotlight on your company? Contact your DaVinci sales representative to be considered for a 2024 Roofer Profile in Roofers Coffee Shop. In addition, remember you can always submit your projects for potential as DaVinci blogs, project profiles and for other marketing materials.

Expanding Your Product Offerings with Composites

Expanding Your Product Offerings with CompositesDon’t miss the latest Roofer’s Coffee Shop “Roofing Road Trips” with DaVinci’s own Mike Vaugh and Landon Coggins from Apex Home Solutions.

Along with host Heidi J. Ellsworth, Mike and Landon discuss how contractors can build their businesses by adding composite slate and shake to their offerings. You’ll hear their tips for success, suggestions for identifying homes that are composite candidates and more.

Don’t miss this conversation, which includes Landon explaining why composites were the ideal solution in Apex Home’s award-winning 2023 top-to-bottom composite project. Listen to the podcast or read the transcript.




A DaVinci Project Specialist will answer any questions you have.

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