When To Get A Second Opinion On Your Color Choices

There is something very satisfying when you can stand outside, look up at the colors you have chosen for your lightweight roofing system or the entire exterior or your home, and say to yourself, "This looks great!"

Helping YOU make great color decisions is always my goal in sharing my expertise.  I want you to feel confident that you understand how to select colors that will be perfect for your home. That is what "FRESH Home Exterior Colors: 5 Steps To Finding The Perfect Hues for Your Home" is all about.  If you haven't grabbed your copy of the free ebook, go ahead and download it now.

FRESH Home Exterior Colors ebook by Kate Smith, CMG, CfYH
But what if you go through the simple steps, find the colors you think will work but still aren't completely sure you've got it right?  Join the club.  The majority of people that seek out my help are on the right track with their colors.  They just don't feel 100% sure that they made the right decisions.  

That isn't really surprising, is it?  When you don't have years of experience to help you get a good idea of what the color will look like before you've put it on your house, you're basically left to make your best guess.  Who wouldn't be a bit hesitant to make a commitment to color under those circumstances?  If you have a color scheme in mind but aren't sure that it is going to work, there are a few things you can do to increase your confidence.  

In the ebook I give you several techniques you can use to help you to visualize your color before making a final decision.  Just seeing the color in context on your exterior can go a long way in helping you to know it is going to look great.  If after that you are still unsure you've got the color right, ask for a second opinion.  

DaVinci Color Studio offers advice on selecting rubber slate roof or fake wood shake roofs
The color scheme for your home is a big decision and one you want to be happy with for year.  You can ask a professional to confirm your color choices are correct or engage them to work with you to pick the color scheme right from the start. Don't ever hesitate to get an objective opinion from a designer, architect or color consultant experienced in selecting exterior materials and colors.  

You will want to stay open to their advice since even if you are on the right track sometimes you may not have picked the variation of a particular color that will work best for your home.  Maybe the undertone is too warm or too cool and a slightly different color will look considerably better. You got in the ballpark, so now don't settle for hitting a single when a pro can help you hit a home run.

If you need help picking the perfect color for your DaVinci Roofscapes synthetic slate or composite shake roof, I'm here to give you just the professional advice or second opinion you may need. Find out how you can get a personal color consultation for your project at the DaVinci Color Studio.