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Helpful Terms to Know for Your Roof Installation

Roofing: Learning a New Language

Blank stares. That’s what can happen if you talk to a roofer and don’t know the language he’s speaking. Just… Read More

One-Stop Shopping at DaVinci Roofscapes

Who doesn't like "one stop shopping" — it's what made Amazon.com a household name! At DaVinci Roofscapes, we have a… Read More

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February: Loving Jello, Valentine’s Day and a Fake Shake Roof

Love. Love. Love. The month of February is the most romantic month of the year. While many focus on Valentine’s… Read More

Re-Roofing Pays Off!

The recently-released 2016 Cost vs. Value Study from Remodeling magazine shows that replacing a roof is a smart investment for… Read More

Roofing #1 ROI Project for Homeowners

Qualified Remodeler magazine recently reported that re-roofing a home is the #1 project with payoff for homeowners. Based on a… Read More

Expert Help at DaVinci Roofscapes

This is it. The year you and your family invest in a new designer roof. A composite roof that will… Read More

Picking the Brain of a Roofing Expert

Shawn Wittenberg knows roofs … and he knows a great deal about DaVinci Roofscapes. Having installed 40 DaVinci composite roofs… Read More

Santa Searches for Stores with DaVinci Rooftops

The countdown is on … and the elves are running behind. Santa has agreed to stop off and do some… Read More

Gingerbread Houses, Egg Nog and Crossword Puzzles

December overflows with family events and holiday cheer. With Hanukkah and Christmas taking center stage, it's sometimes easy to forget… Read More

Is Your Roof Ready for Santa?

He's making a list and checking it twice. Maybe you should do the same! Upcoming winter weather means it's time… Read More

Eating Up November

November is all about food. Of course there's the mega-eating celebration at Thanksgiving, but there are numerous food-dedicated days leading… Read More

Selling Your Home? Start with Curb Appeal!

If you’re selling your home, look outside before focusing on the interior. That’s the advice of realtors who say that… Read More

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