Severe Weather Season Can Come With Unpleasant Surprises

Don't let severe weather season wreak havoc on your roof. A durable DaVinci roof can withstand the worst of Mother Nature. Severe weather season can come with many unpleasant surprises. Heavy snow, rainfall, hail, falling branches and intense winds are just some of the challenges home and commercial building owners face. The roof is the most susceptible part of a structure to these forces.

Professional Severe Weather Season Prepping

A properly installed roof can help ensure correct function during severe weather season. To make sure your roof is always in good working order, you must have a clear maintenance plan, inspect before and after harsh weather, and make the necessary repairs as quickly as possible. Repairs should be completed by a professional roofing contractor who can guide you on the applied loads for your roof and any other factors to take into consideration.

If your roof has already sustained considerable damage, spot repairs may not be effective and can result in the need for a complete roof replacement. Gutters and drains should also be carefully inspected to accurately analyze their capacity and effectiveness in moving water and ice away from the roof. You run the risk of liquid water or ice building up on the roof during inclimate weather when this is not addressed. This can lead to:

  • Internal leaks – Ice dams (chunks of ice that form at the edge of the roof, preventing water from draining) can cause water build up which can leak into the attic, through insulation, and down into your ceilings.
  • Added discomfort – Not only can ice buildup lead to damaged insulation which gives route to a less climate-controlled home, but falling snow and ice from sloped roofs can cause injuries. If you have a flat roof, you can even experience roof collapse.
  • Costly repairs – Depending on the extent of damage the ice buildup causes, you could be looking at thousands of dollars in repair. Spot repairs or complete roof replacement, gutter replacement, sag repair, flashing repair, valley repair, and vent repair can add up quickly.

Severe weather season can lead to costly roof repairs. Learn why DaVinci roofs are manufactured to withstand weather extremes. Keep Your Roof Safe Every Season with DaVinci

When selecting materials for your roof, be sure to research options that are both durable and low maintenance to help minimize potential damage from severe weather. Many people opt for green roofing options as well, so it’s important to be positive that an economic choice will be sturdy enough for the climate you live in.

DaVinci offers a proprietary slate and shake product that is sturdy, beautiful and completely recycleable at the end of its life. The Class 4 Impact Rating and Class A Fire Rating of our products set them apart in the industry and protect your home at the highest level. Our products also withstand severe freeze-thaw cycles without showing signs of wear and tear, so your roof will stay beautiful for years, no matter how harsh the weather. Simply put, we make products that get your roof severe-weather ready.

To learn more about how our slate and shake tiles endure severe weather season, explore our product information.