Vertical Roof Installation

Look at the eight buildings that create the Smith and Mohawk Residences at the State University of New York (SUNY) campus in Canton, N.Y., and you’re liable to tilt your head. That’s because the structures all feature unique mansard roofs that reach from the top of the buildings down more than four stories to the lawn below.

The dormitories, which house 850 students, were originally built in 1968. While the students were away for the summer, Mid-State Industries, Ltd. tackled the project of removing the existing steep  shingle roofs and replacing them with 352 squares of DaVinci Slate synthetic roofing tiles in a European Blend color.

Installation Challenges

MohawkSmith51-199×300“We’re used to working on steep slopes for roofs, but nothing like this,” says Michael Lucey, president of Mid-State Industries. “This was an almost straight vertical application that required us to use special scaffolding for installation.

“The dormitories are surrounded by steep landscaping with minimal access, which posed many challenges to our team. Fortunately the DaVinci product is lightweight and installs easily. This made the application go quickly and effortlessly.”

Specifying Synthetic Tiles

For the team at C&S Companies®, the selection of a synthetic roof came as a result of extensive research. “We liked everything we saw about the DaVinci product,” says Jenny Schumaker, senior designer at C&S Companies. “The reinforced ribbing on the back of the product, combined with the product’s resistance to curling and insects were all positive aspects.

“Yet, our decision was really made when we learned of the different width varieties and colors available for the tiles. These factors, all combined with the guaranteed 50-year warranty, sold us on using synthetic tiles for the mansard of these residence halls.”

Set in a rural area along the banks of the Grasse River, the SUNY campus features several adjacent buildings to the dormitories. “With the extensive visibility this project has on campus, it was important for us to find a roofing color palette that closely matched the other buildings,” says Schumaker. “In addition, many of the steep roof elevations come down near grade and are susceptible to damage from students and maintenance equipment. We felt that the DaVinci product was the very best choice to offer durability and style to the vertical applications on the dormitories.”