Flying Gables?

Flying gableFlying Gables? What the heck are they? Sounds like if you’re not careful you may lose your roof. Actually they are gables that are not perpendicular to the eave line. These may also be called flared rakes in some areas of the country.

Flying gables like these take special consideration when installing many types of lightweight roofing tiles. Many lightweight tiles, especially thick ones, are not solid all the way through so cutting them on an angle may show a void or a support rib. DaVinci synthetic slate roofing has a solution for this.

Our suggestion is to lay our tiles on the same angle as the gable and cut the inside edge perpendicular to the eave line. This will leave a shaled edge on the outside while the inside cut is barely noticeable from the ground.
Flared rake 2Make sure that the tile you cut and the one adjacent to it are the same color. It is also important that the tiles be quite warm if you install two tiles very close to one another. Cold tiles laid close to one another would not allow for possible thermal expansion.

This technique may also be used when installing valleys in some instances.