Find Products Perfect For Your Life-Sized Home


One of the hot topics of conversation in home design is the way homeowners in the second half of their life are changing how they think about their home.
You may have read about baby boomers downsizing but truly the change isn't always about going smaller.  I like to use the term "life sizing" because what is driving the change is a desire to have our home be just the right fit for our lifestyle.
For some moving to a smaller space makes sense, but for a large majority keeping their current home so that they have space for their extended family to gather and a place to entertain their friends is the right choice. Whatever the right "life size" of the home, the one shared desire is to have each element of the home be exactly right.
Homeowners are cost conscious, but especially those in the second half of life. They are putting value on the inherent qualities of the products they purchase for their home and are investing for the long term since they don't plan on purchasing these items again.
DaVinci Roofscapes Multi Width Imitation Slate
You can see how this plays into the Top 10 Influencers as reported in the 2011 DaVinci Roofscapes’ Homeowners Exterior Preferences Study.
In the study, homeowners ranked the following factors as having “a lot of influence” in the decision-making process for the type of new roof to purchase but I think this same thinking applies to all of the materials being purchased for the home:
88 percent – Durability
83 percent – Longevity/Built to Last
72 percent – Low/No Maintenance
71 percent – Resistant to Severe Weather
69 percent – Has a Warranty
57 percent – Fire Resistancy
55 percent – Material Roof is Made Out of
50 percent – Price
41 percent – Colors Available
24 percent – Complements the Neighborhood Setting
“Every feature rated by homeowners on this top 10 list of roofing purchase influencers is available in our polymer shake and slate roofing tiles. With a 50-year warranty, DaVinci roofing tiles are a solid investment in an easy-care roof that’s built to last and give the homeowner peace-of-mind,” says Ray Rosewall, CEO and president of DaVinci Roofscapes.
All of Top 10 Influencers enter the conversation as each of us finds just the perfect products for our right sized home. Find products that fit your needs, have great style and give you peace of mind. This is not the time to settle for less than what you are going to love over the long term.