How To Give Your Home Personality

The look of your exterior sets the tone for your entire home. Most people believe that what they see on the exterior reflects the style and condition of the home’s interior. Maybe even more importantly, the results of the 2011 DaVinci Roofscapes’ Homeowners Exterior Preferences Study indicate that most homeowners believe the outward appearance of their home reflects their personality.

How do smart homeowners let their personality show through their homes? Most care for their homes with the same thought that they place on their personal appearance and style. They want their home to have the same nice look as they do.

Commonly called “curb appeal” the overall appearance of your home’s exterior tells the world something about who you are. It is also what welcomes your friends and family inside. So how do you make sure your home truly reflects YOU? Here are a few things you can take a look at:

You won’t walk about with a poor haircut or tattered clothing. Don’t allow problem areas detract from the appearance of your home either. Stand across the street from your house and look at the front, the driveway and the sides with fresh eyes.

  • Are there any areas where painting, repairs or replacements is required?
  • Are any of your bushes or trees overgrown?
  • What is the condition of your yard? Is edging, raking, weeding, pruning or trash removal needed?
  • Are there things that could be removed or hidden such as hoses, sprinklers, trash cans or toys?
  • Last, is there anything from the inside showing through windows or doorways in through windows that are distracting.

Once you have identified areas that could be improved, you can then focus on the one or two items that will most enhance your home’s appearance and speak volumes about your style.

  • Is a new roof is in your future? The roof defines your home the same way your haircut adds to your good looks. I’d recommend purchasing one that upgrades the look of your home, last a lifetime and is environmentally friendly — all qualities inherent in the DaVinci Roofscapes products.
  • Need to freshen up your paint? A new color for siding or trim can give your home an entirely different look. Just as we choose colors that match our skin tone some colors are just more flattering on your home than others.
  • What about those windows? Are they aging your home? Give your home a facelift by replacing with newer, energy efficient windows and don’t forget to consider color for the window frames.
  • Need more confidence in making color choices. Get a free copy of FRESH Home Exterior Colors: 5 Steps for Finding the Perfect Hues for Your Home. It will walk you through the process step-by-step.

Even with a limited budget, you can always add a new pair of shoes or piece of jewelry to update your look. The same can be true for your home. Small investments can improve your home’s visual appeal if you focus on a few key Items:

  • Installing a new door with pretty details or glass inserts.
  • Place a fun welcome mat, bench or grouping of plants at the entrance.
  • Adding more lighting around the entrance or along your driveway or sidewalk.
  • Put up new house numbers or a mailbox.
  • Even planting a few colorful seasonal plants in the existing flower beds can give your home a happy feeling.

What changes can you make so that your home’s exterior is more YOU?

About the Author

Kate Smith is an internationally recognized color expert, consultant, and designer. She is a skilled colorist & a color consultant who has lent her expertise to DaVinci Roofscapes for over a decade. Kate helps YOU select colors that you will love.